Here's a blurb of something i've been working on. if you want more you'll have to email me for it. i don't just give this shit away to just anybody! enjoy or something.
"Once upon a time, in a forest on the edge of a farming town called Marshville, there was a woman who looked and lived like a tree. Her name was Nessa Telperiën. She was very tall and very thin. Her long hair blew in upward directions looking like branches, the color of fire, golden and red. Her torso looked twisted. Her skin was shades of white and gray, like ashes, except for her lips that had a slight hue of pink. Her eyes were a cold blue, so cold that if a man were to look into them they would feel a chill in his heart. She wore a long dress the color of mud that clung on her shoulders, and fell in stiff wrinkles to the ground hiding her feet to look like the formation of roots. They said that she came to be by miracle but no one really knows the truth.
'They said that if you listen to the wind at night you can hear her crying out in the forest. Some people believed that she was a spirit, or a ghost who had been banished, doomed to forever walk the earth in misery. Others believe her to be Mother Nature herself. But there are some who think that Nessa Telperiën was once a little girl who lived somewhere in Marshville and had gone mad. Those who believed her to be a spirit, long ago erected a small shrine to her on the forest edge near the lake where they would leave offerings to try to appease her, afraid that she would harm their fields and destroy their crops. Over the years, the shrine grew and a small statue of a tired and very sad looking woman stood behind a small stone table. But as time went by Nessa Telperiën was forgotten. Years past and the myth of her story was lost until one night, a man named Marcus O’Riley went for a walk with his son, Casey. They walked from their farm and came upon a crumpled statue at the forests edge."
**oh and i registered for classes today. yeah it's all pretty much worked out but there's still a bunch of bullshit to deal with yet. anyway. sorry and stuff. i won't erase them but i wouldn't read them either. (the posts! gosh darn it! the posts!)
"Once upon a time, in a forest on the edge of a farming town called Marshville, there was a woman who looked and lived like a tree. Her name was Nessa Telperiën. She was very tall and very thin. Her long hair blew in upward directions looking like branches, the color of fire, golden and red. Her torso looked twisted. Her skin was shades of white and gray, like ashes, except for her lips that had a slight hue of pink. Her eyes were a cold blue, so cold that if a man were to look into them they would feel a chill in his heart. She wore a long dress the color of mud that clung on her shoulders, and fell in stiff wrinkles to the ground hiding her feet to look like the formation of roots. They said that she came to be by miracle but no one really knows the truth.
'They said that if you listen to the wind at night you can hear her crying out in the forest. Some people believed that she was a spirit, or a ghost who had been banished, doomed to forever walk the earth in misery. Others believe her to be Mother Nature herself. But there are some who think that Nessa Telperiën was once a little girl who lived somewhere in Marshville and had gone mad. Those who believed her to be a spirit, long ago erected a small shrine to her on the forest edge near the lake where they would leave offerings to try to appease her, afraid that she would harm their fields and destroy their crops. Over the years, the shrine grew and a small statue of a tired and very sad looking woman stood behind a small stone table. But as time went by Nessa Telperiën was forgotten. Years past and the myth of her story was lost until one night, a man named Marcus O’Riley went for a walk with his son, Casey. They walked from their farm and came upon a crumpled statue at the forests edge."
**oh and i registered for classes today. yeah it's all pretty much worked out but there's still a bunch of bullshit to deal with yet. anyway. sorry and stuff. i won't erase them but i wouldn't read them either. (the posts! gosh darn it! the posts!)
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