
I love losing stuff.  The fun thing about losing stuff is spending the hours trying to find everything you lost.  The shitty part about losing stuff is not finding the stuff after hours of trying.

I lost my cell phone.  Yeah I tried calling it you assholes.  The last time I used it was to call Margot when I was at work.  I didn't go anywhere last night except around the block on my longboard.  But through my searching today the plot has thickened...  my keys are also missing.  So there is no way I could have left them anywhere because I obviously used my phone and my keys as I was leaving work to come home.  I walked the path of my longboard travels and found nothing.  I have turned my room upside down and then right side up again looking and have found nothing.  It makes no sense.

So now I'm sitting here wondering what there is left to do, where I could look, and realizing that it's a lost cause and that I'm an idiot.  Today (pre-realizing that I'm the idiot that I am) started off nicely too.  I should have known.

Fuck it.


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