
Margot came over last night after she got off work and we spoke a bit about how we thought this election was going to turn out. No matter who got elected- giant douche or turd sandwich- our country is fucked. The next four years are going to be shitty either way.

I'm not happy that we have another 4 years with Wonder-Bush boy but can anyone tell me honestly that they didn't see this coming? There was hope, yes. There was always hope and the fact that the election went as it did says something for sure. I think the important fact is that people in this country got off their asses for once and tried. I'm glad I was one of them. Now there isn't anything anyone can do but hope that President Bush will surprise people like me. I was talking to someone who voted for him. When I asked them why they replied, "I want him to finish what he started." Now I'm not saying that I concur with that thinking but I can say that I do respect that attitude. I think that is what's important. The decisions have been made and now we're all along for the ride together. Buckle up, kiddies.


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