
I was going to tell you about how I woke up the other day feeling something heavy resting on my chest. I let my imagination run with it and refused to open my eyes but I was in too much of a hurry that morning.

When I got home tonight the sun was already down but I could still see the snow in my backyard. It was almost all the way melted and I actually felt sad. I would have dove head first today, right into the icy crystals and rolled around with a smile on my face. I shut off my brain for the night. For some reason I just felt like I needed to cool it down, mute the voices in my head for a little while. The results are always successful but that doesn't always make for the most interesting blog posting- though on occasion they're drastically improved. It's all about the levels my friends. Right now I feel burnt out and my mind is overloaded on processing to really stay focused on this.

It was a weekend without elephants but I swear I saw a dragon. There was something else I saw that left an even more surreal impression on my mind. The results are apparent on both my face and flesh. Today I found scratches all over my body, on my hands and back. Battle scars. Wounds I'm going to wear with a smile (along with all the others I've collected along the way). It's a new thing that I'm embracing within myself, acting on things and being the person inside me that has been suppressed for a very long time. So far I'm pleased with the progress and the results have been promising.

I was on the train and I was sitting across the aisle from this guy who looked like a child molester who still lived with his parents. He was talking the entire ride to some woman in a manner a step below phone sex.

It was impossible to sleep. I was thinking. I probably should have been writing.

One beautiful day this guy and a lady took a walk in a park. No joke. The sky was blue. The sun shone. The breeze was gentle. They were headed for a bench. A dog darted across a mud grass patch headed for this herd of geese. He was ready for adventure. Charging ahead he chased the geese out of the mud grass and to the pond that sat half frozen on the warm February day. Dog made his way over the cement blocks and onto the ice, absorbed in his animal adrenalin and just didn't notice. He slid, or jumped, into the water and was helpless to get out. So this guy and a lady were walking, watching all this. There was nothing anyone could do but stand there and watch this animal struggle. Eventually the dog heard one of the calls and was dragged to safety. That guy and the lady walked away in search of more adventures of their own.


Blogger Emblem Parade said...

Nobody ever comments on your blog.

6:23 PM  
Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

That "heavy feeling" you described could be what is known as a Succubus.

A Succubus is a female demon that has intercourse with men while they sleep. Women are often visited by "Incubuses," which have enormous, deformed members.

The phenomenon of being paralyzed and not being able to move has been documented for hundreds of years.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Wow. I'm all blushy and overwhelmed by response all of a sudden. I always thought no one ever comments because of the lack of interesting posts that I constantly write. Could be. Probably? I like comments though. Rare little gems that remind me someone somewhere may be listening (er, reading) to my brain.

7:19 PM  

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