
The source of this information is uniformed (aka from my older brother):

If you catch the news tonight and see something about some lady murdering (stabbing actually) her two children and then attempting to kill herself... Know that it is less than five minutes from my house.

I haven't checked on any of this so pooh on me if it's wrong. I warned you. I admitted it. Now I rely on you to watch and tell me what's what. I never watch the news. I get all the news I need on the weather report (gold star for anyone who can tell me where this last sentence comes from).


Blogger GardenKinder said...

It's disturbing when these things take place close to the homefront. When I lived in downtown TO, a bouncer was shot one street over and I woke from the gunshot. Moments later all of the cats in the neighborhood began meowing incessantly.
Yup, disturbing sums it up.

5:40 PM  

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