I didn't drink last night, like I thought that I would. I did smoke a bit, just a bit... The point that should be noted was that I spent the night alone- really alone. No parents home, no older brothers. I. Was. Alone. I felt good about it. It reminded me of when I was house sitting and stuck out all by myself- except this time I probably could have called someone (proobablah) but I just didn't. I switched off my social skills and became a hermit, bundled up in my favorite corduroy blanket and watched girly movies all night.
I know that my reactions to anything have been completely unpredictable lately. My mood is like avoiding invisible trip wire (and/or impossible not to set off) and I can't tell you why or how not to make me crazy but just that it is what it is right now.
I'm too sensitive.
So on a much more fun note, while waiting for my boyfriend, I've decided to drink as much as I can until he decides to call me... Which probably won't be for a while... Or right now... Wow!
So the root of the problem is that I feel easily disappointed lately. This obviously goes back to the sensitivity thing. I have, to try to counter this, began to set standards in every respect possible, as low as possible. So if you say you're going to call I will typically think that you won't. If you say we'll do something at a certain time, I'll think that it won't happen until hours past when. I'm used to walking into my kitchen and finding nothing to eat- even when I left half a pizza in there just last night... Mother fuckers...
But I have to go now. I'm out of rum and there's a surplus of beer in the garage! Drunk writing rules. Maybe I'll come back with some short fiction for you...
I know that my reactions to anything have been completely unpredictable lately. My mood is like avoiding invisible trip wire (and/or impossible not to set off) and I can't tell you why or how not to make me crazy but just that it is what it is right now.
I'm too sensitive.
So on a much more fun note, while waiting for my boyfriend, I've decided to drink as much as I can until he decides to call me... Which probably won't be for a while... Or right now... Wow!
So the root of the problem is that I feel easily disappointed lately. This obviously goes back to the sensitivity thing. I have, to try to counter this, began to set standards in every respect possible, as low as possible. So if you say you're going to call I will typically think that you won't. If you say we'll do something at a certain time, I'll think that it won't happen until hours past when. I'm used to walking into my kitchen and finding nothing to eat- even when I left half a pizza in there just last night... Mother fuckers...
But I have to go now. I'm out of rum and there's a surplus of beer in the garage! Drunk writing rules. Maybe I'll come back with some short fiction for you...
oh come on! you sound like a woman who really needs a man, how can it be true? you should realice that he won't phone no matter how many alcohol you drink. hey, loneness is the worst roomate. Out there in the world are worst problems, don't you make a mountain out of a molehill
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