
It hasn't hit me yet. I'm sure it will.

*** *** ***

Today I spent way too much money at Best Buy. Way too much- and I didn't even buy everything that I was going to buy... I should have gotten all of it... My Miyazaki collection grew a little.

the New Super Mario Bros. is DECENT and I have the sore thumbs to prove it. I won't go into gushing about all the tasty power ups and fancy levels but I will say damn the bouncing mushroom! Damn them all! I'm so in love!

Bounce. It's warm in my room, which is a nice normal switch. Freezing in the winter but when the shift in the weather comes my room flips to the other side and is boiling all the time. I've taken to jumping on my bed in my down time (preferably without pants because I've decided that everything in life is improved with the removal of pants). It's a pretty solid hobby, and exercise or something. General dancing and chair spinning is included with the jumping. It isn't like I have my walking downtown to rely on anymore. I have to do something, right? So jumping on my bed in my underwear is my vote. Thoughts??

I was planning to going to the art museum tomorrow. Free on Tuesdays. But I forgot about the Pearl Jam concert... I could still go. I could get up early and go for a few hours and come back. There's a chance that I'll get up before noon- I almost did today- but it isn't likely and honestly, I'm not planning on trying. I want to see what it's like to live without an alarm clock for a week.

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(thinking about fiction... but failing at the words)

No one knows where the first tree came from but it grows taller and stronger every year. It's seeds fall and sprout, get carried away by the birds and animals to spread the forest farther. It's like breeding an army. Soon the soldiers will stand tall in masses. And yet trees don't fight. They bend in the wind and if pushed too far they will break and fall. They are no army, but a gathering of pacifists. They have no need to communicate deep thoughts or emotions, and no voice to do so even if communication could exist. They are their own shelters, their own companions and rely only on the gifts of sunlight and rain to feed them and help them grow. Humans should be so lucky.

Humans come with deep thoughts and emotion and mouths to vocalize their anger, hurt and frustration. They come with axes. They come with fire. They cut without thinking. They burn without realization. They gather in masses and stand where forests once stood and cut and burn and cut and burn and cut and burn and cut and burn and cut and burn and cut and burn...

(that might be a metaphor)


Blogger Emblem Parade said...

Almost Dancing,
Half Metaphors,
And Complete Graduation.

2:02 AM  

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