
On the totem pole of life, I tend to come last on most people's lists, including my own. I eat enough to get through the day, sleep enough to have the right amount of brain power to survive my tedious job and in between I sit invisible. This is what is more commonly known as "surviving" but really just barely. I still find it amazing how little you actually need to do to get through a day and right now I'm missing the months spent in pajamas feeling like death because, at the very least, I knew it had to get better. I hate this coasting through life shitty feeling that I've come so accustomed to.

Would you really miss me if I really disappeared one day? Would it be an "Oh well..." thing or would there at least be a slight sigh attached to the thought bubble? I don't ask for much in life...

And it's not that I don't have oodles to look forward to in the coming weeks. It's not that at all. It's just... well... I'm tired.


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